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2025-2026 Dasche Liability Release

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Many of our DasCHE activities and meetings are held at Midlothian Bible Church 

I, the below signed adult, do hereby release from liability and hold harmless Dallas Christian Home Educators (also known as DasCHE) and Midlothian Bible Church and any of its employees, members, or agents as regards the usage of the facilities of Midlothian Bible Church and in the event of any accidents in route to, during, or returning from any DasCHE-sponsored event held at Midlothian Bible Church.

This release is for any and all liability for personal injuries (including death) and property losses or damage in connection with any DasCHE activity, including Scholastic Co-op, sports activities, etc…. The undersigned further agrees to abide by all the rules and policies of DasCHE and Midlothian Bible Church.

I hereby consent to receive medical treatment for myself or a member of my family which may be deemed advisable in the event of injury, accident, and/ or illness during a DasCHE event. This treatment could include treatment by a licensed physician, x-rays, any prescription drugs, or surgery.

I understand and agree that the primary responsibility for medical coverage rests with my personal medical insurance and with me. In the event medical treatment is necessary, all hospital and physician's bills shall be directly billed to me. I assume liability for any resulting expense, which is not covered by my personal insurance.

I certify that I have read this document and I fully understand its content. I am aware that this is a release of liability and a contract, and I sign it of my own free will. I further state that I understand this consent to extend to all members of my family who might attend DasCHE functions, including those at Midlothian Bible Church.


By typing your signature and the date below, you are indicating your agreement to this liability release.