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Where and how do I submit electronic payments?

Dasche accepts several electronic payment methods. Yearly membership fees and various fines might be due to Dasche throughout the year and there are several methods you can use to make those payments. Dasche accepts payments through Paypal, Venmo and Zelle. 

At Dasche all of our Tutors are independent contractors. That means that when you pay tutition or supply fees you will pay those directly to our tutors! In order to make this easier for both our tutors and our famiiles many of our tutors accept different electronic forms of payment and this is how you will pay tutition and supply fees throughout the year so it is important to know how to submit electronic payments. In order to know what methods of payment each tutor accepts please click on their class on the class schedule or check their welcome email after you are registered in their class. 


In order to pay through Paypal, Venmo or Zelle you will go to one of those payment platform websites and use your login to get into your account with them and then "send" the money to the Dasche using our Dasche Identification- through some platforms that is an email and through others it is a name. Here are the direct links to the websites for those platforms:



To pay Dasche through Paypal send your payment to:
DasCHE - Dallas Christian Home Educators



To pay Dasche through Venmo send your payment to:



To pay Dasche through Zelle send your payment to:
[email protected]

If you do not have an account with one of those platforms we recommend you consider starting one. If you do not want any electronic payment account you can write a check to Dasche and mail it to us. This may delay processing time with your application but we do accept checks to our PO Box. Some of our tutors may accept checks or cash as well, you would have to look at individual tutors and their payment methods. Most of our tutors are paid by families through one of the electronic payment applications above. 

Dasche P.O. Box-  PO Box 1104, Cedar Hill, TX 75106

If you still have questions about how to submit payments you can look on the payment platforms websites for instructions on how to send money or reach out to our Treasurer through the email [email protected]