What is Dasche?
Dasche is a Scholastic Co-operative that operates under Christian principles. We strive to minister to families around DFW with resources, support and encouragement. Dasche started over 20 years ago with a group of homeschool moms who wanted to encourage one another and create a supportive learning community. As they experienced the joy of homeschooling together they recognized a need in the larger community and as they opened up the opportunity to more families Dasche began to grow!
We offer classes ages for all ages, including adults! Parents, be sure to check out the schedule for Adult Classes while you browse options for your students!
When and where does Dasche meet?
Dasche Co-op classes meet on Mondays at Midlothian Bible Church! We do also offer some online classes, be sure to look at the details of those listings to find days and times those meet as they vary.
What does Dasche offer?
Aside from the opportunity for connection and support we are offering a large variety of unique classes this year taught by our amazing tutors! Your student can sign up for as many or as few classes as will work for your family.
Feel free to click on our link for 2024-2025 Class Schedule to see more of the classes available this coming year. If you click on the individual class you can see more information about that class and what tuition costs would be. All of our in person classes meet on Mondays but some of our online classes meet other days. (OUR CLASSES FOR 25-26 AREN'T READY TO SHARE YET BUT WE WILL HAVE THOSE UP AS SOON AS WE SOLIDIFY THE SCHEDULE!)
Is Dasche a dropoff program?
At Dasche we could not operate without all our members helping play their part. Each family is required to complete service hours each year. Outside of those service hours some members choose to stay close on campus while their students are in class and others choose to drop off and come back for pickup.
How many Service Hours are required?
For the 25-26 school year we are requiring 25 service hours per family over the course of the school year. At least 5 of those service hours must be lunch shifts, the remaining can be lunch shifts or morning and/or afternoon shifts. Either one or both parents may complete service hours. Service Hours will be counted per person per hour. Parents are given the opportunity to choose a variety of days, times and shifts and the schedule can be arranged to complete multiple shifts per day.
How much does it cost to join Dasche?
In order to join Dasche New Members will pay an New Member Application Fee of $60, this covers background checks for 2 adults and processing fees.
New Family Applications submitted after July 18th also have a $75 Administrative Late Fee which would make the total Fees for Submitting your Application $135.
Upon acceptance the families will move foward to pay the Dasche Yearly Membership Fee. Our Returning Members are only responsible for the yearly membership fee.
Dasche Yearly Membership Fees for NEW MEMBERS 2025-2026:
$325 if paid by May 12th
$350 if paid by June 6th
$375 after June 6th
How much are Dasche classes?
Tutors list their own class tutition fees on the Class Schedule. If you see a class on the Class Schedule and want to check prices you can click on the class listing and a box with more information will pop up, tution and supply fees will be listed on the right hand side.
Class payments are made per class throughout the year. There are a total of 8 Tuition Payments plus a supply fee per class and those will be paid directly to the tutor of the class.
The Class Supply Fee is due upon Registration.
Tuition Payments #1-8 are the tuition fees due the first Monday in Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec, Jan, Feb, March and April. If the family chooses to pay the total year to the tutor in one payment instead of multiple or if the family would prefer to pay by semester you would just want to contact your tutor to make that arrangement.
Where can I find more information about Dasche and how it works?
Our Dasche Co-op Handbook is an excellent resource for getting more information about how Dasche runs. Reading through and agreeing to abide by the Handbook is part of the application process so you might want to go ahead and take a peek before you move foward with filling out your New Family Application.
How Do I join Dasche?
We would love to have you join us!
The first step to joining Dasche is reading through these FAQS so you can understand how Dasche works and make sure it sounds like a good fit for you. If you want to move forward you can then complete our New Family Application
When the application is completed it will link you directly into your New Family Application fee and our background check consent forms.
Once those have been completed our Registrar will reach out to you to schedule a New Family Interview and help lead you towards the next steps of becoming a part of the Dasche family!
What will happen after my New family Interview?
After your New Family Interview you will receive an acceptance email which will link to a form that allows you to input your families information and create a login and password for our website. Once that information is in the system a system Admin will approve your new login and you will be able to sign into our website and view the member only side of Dasche. You will sign our Injury form and Liability Waiver and then get a chance to look around the member side of our website which will give you many more options to view what is going on at Dasche now and in the future!
The next step is Service hour Registration which is when you will sign up for your families service hours, that registration begins Tuesday, 7/1 at 9AM. After service hour registration is completed you will be cleared to register your student for classes. New Family Class Registration will open Wednesday, 7/16 at 10 AM.
Have more questions?
Feel free to reach out to us and we would be happy to help!
Co-Op Administrator- Erica Woodell: [email protected]
Registrar & Web Coordinator- Chelsa Harris: [email protected]
For Service Coordinator Questions: [email protected]
For Association Related Questions: [email protected]